A beauty of a natural stone not only for your garden...

Types of stones

To understand what typses of stone we work with you can find here a list of stones. Should you have any questions you can contact us via our contact form.

Slivenec Marble

One of the most common building stone used. Its colour varies from grey to sage green, pinky, purple to brown/redish. This material was very popular in baroque and was exported abroad to master sculptores. Its very easy to work with this stonee and can be polished to a high shine. Can be used in any kind of exteriour and interiour buliding.

Slivenec Marble - Properties

  • a beautiful natural decoration
  • easy to work with, easy to carve and create details
  • long lasting & great price
img.: Slivenec Marble

Sand stone

Very resistable and variable natural stone for. Very pouplar for its pleasant and warm colours. Its characterized by various colours from redish to brown, to greeny and yellow or white. It is soft and very easy to work with, it allows variability of surface and creating small details. Not suitable for linings. On the other hand it is very solid in pressure and can be used for wallings that carries out weight from ceilings and roof constructions. It can bue used for any exteriours and interiour constructions.

Sand stone - properties

  • very pleasant, warm colour scale
  • easy to work with and carve
  • long lasting
  • higher price of material
img.: Sand stone


Very popular natural stone. Its frequently used for its properties: hardness, resitant to a mechanical damages. It is low water absorbing. Uses of granite varies from exterior (fancy walls, supporting walls, staircases, claddings, paving, etc..) to interior ( decorative features, flooring, windowsills, kitchen tops, etc.)

Granite - properties

  • extremely long lasting
  • low water absorption
  • affordable price
  • hard to work with
img.: Granite


Je přírodní stavební kámen s mimořádnou tvrdostí. Jde o vysoce kvalitní materiál, který je odolný vůči mechanickému poškození. Jeho použití je vhodné především do exteríérů jako dlažba nebo obklad, ale i v interiéru nalezne své uplatnění, kde jej používáme na dlažby, obklady, krby nebo okenní parapety.

Quartzite - properties

  • extremely long lasting
  • resistant to a mechanical damage
  • affordable price
  • hard to work with
img.: Quartzite


A natural cosntructin stone that creates a perfect decoration. It can be used in a variety of colour shades and sizes. Some slates thanks to petrographics composition changes its colour on the sun they shine and glitter. They can bused either in the interior or the exterior. It could be used as lining or flooring. Roof slate could be used as a perfect roofing.

Slate - properties

  • a beautiful natural decoration
  • low water absorpiton
  • easy to work with
img.: Slate
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